събота, 30 юни 2012 г.

Other Factors in Garden Creation

So now you've picked out what type of garden you will have, what the

location will be, and what kind of fertilizer you need, now is the time to

really get started in choosing your garden environment. First you'll want

to choose what your garden barriers will be. What will separate your

garden from the rest of the world? Next you'll want to choose the

decorations and support for your plants. Often some kind of metal mesh is

necessary to keep your plant standing up. You will also want to choose how

much soil and fertilizer to buy, and how to arrange all the plants in your


Choosing a border is actually a fairly important step in getting your

garden started. It might not actually affect the well-being of the plants,

but having a garden is a fairly aesthetic ordeal for many people anyways.

So usually you will want to choose between metal and wood. You can stack

up boards around the perimeter of your garden, and give it a rather nice

cabin look. If you're looking for a more modern look, you can obtain some

metal lining at your local home improvement store for rather cheap, and

installation is medium difficulty.

Finding something nice-looking to support your plants can be a little bit

more challenging. Sometimes a short metal pole can work well, but often

for plants such as tomatoes you will need a wire mesh for it to pull

itself up on. You can find these at any gardening store, usually

pre-shaped in a sort of cone shape ideal for plants. The plant just grows

up through it, and usually it will last until the plant is grown enough to

support itself. After that you can take a pair of wire-cutters and just

snip it free.

Deciding how much soil to buy can be slightly easier. Look up information

on your plants and find out the ideal soil depth. Then dig out that much

from your garden, take the measurements, and find out the exact amount of

cubic feet of soil that you will need. Go to the store and buy it,

preferably adding on a few bags just so you can replenish the supply if it

compresses or runs out. If you live in an area where the ground is rough,

dry, and barren of nutrients, then you might even want to add a few inches

of depth to the original recommendation.

Arranging the plants is rather important to the success of your garden.

I'm not talking about some kind of feng-shui thing, but depending on your

watering, some plants might hog all the water and leave the other plants

high and dry. Some plants have longer roots than others, and are more

aggressive in the collection of water. If you place one of these plants

next to a plant with weaker, shorter roots, it will quickly hijack the

water supply for itself, and choke out the other plant.

I hope I've led you to realize that placement isn't the only important

thing about a garden. There are many other factors that might not seem

very significant, but spending a proper amount of time considering them

could change the outcome of your garden. So if you're working on building

a garden, use and reference you can (the library, the internet, and

magazines) to look in to some of the factors I've mentioned.

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