сряда, 20 юни 2012 г.

Care of the flower garden

Learn, how make for your garden a big difference in appearance and over - all health of your plants can make. Here are some simple tips, to your garden blooming with health

1. the essential always big must be considered.

Their flower garden needs a sufficient supply of water, Sun and fertile soil. Significant impact on the health of the plants will be missing these basic needs. Water in the flower garden more frequently during the dry Wizard judgments.

Onion plants, ensure that they go to the correct depth. If plants, shrubs, and perennials, be sure, that you heap not soil or mulch to the root to do. If you do this, the water will drain place to fall, and the stem cells could develop Red due to overheating.

2. Mix and match perennials with seasonal fish.

Perennial flower bulbs must not be planted as they grow and bloom as seasonal fish grow for several years, and just one season long bloom. Mixing a few perennials with seasonal fish will ensure that you've come always the flowers.

3. Dead head to promote more flowers.

Deadheading is simply Snipping Tool from the flower after it wilts. This makes the plant produces several flowers. Just make sure you that you you dispose not dead head on the garden or mildew and other diseases will attack your plants plants.

4. for the good from the bad error.

The most garden do use more insects than damage. Butterflies, beetles and bees pollinators are known. You fertilize plants through unintentional transfer of pollen from a plant to another. 80% of the flowering plants rely on insects to survive.

Sowbugs and dung beetle along with fungi, bacteria and other micro-organisms are required, to support the decomposition of dead plant material and thus more nutrients for the plants make available enriching the soil.

Other insects such as Chrysopidae and dragonflies are natural enemies of these insects, make the real damage and Aphis.

Consider them an occasional application of liquid fertilizer when the plants bloom in bloom for longer.

Cut all dead or damaged branches. Fuchsias are particularly vulnerable for click, if you are against them brush. Broken branch that can be sunk to give a new plant, so it is not wasted.

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