сряда, 13 юни 2012 г.

The Psychology Behind Gardening

I don’t know what it is about a garden that has always drawn humans to

them. But they’ve always been very popular, and an integral part of

peoples’ lifestyles. Most religions feature gardens as the settings for

some of the biggest events According to Christianity, humanity was started

in a garden and the son of God was resurrected in a garden. The Buddhist

build gardens to allow nature to permeate their surroundings. Almost every

major palace and government building has a garden. But what’s so great

about them? They’re just a bunch of plants, after all.

Of course, the reasoning is fairly obvious behind why people grow food in

gardens. It’s to eat! If you live off the fat of the land and actually

survive on stuff from your garden, it’s easy to understand the reasoning.

But I’m thinking about those people who plant flower gardens just for the

sake of looking nice. There’s no immediate benefit that I can see; you

just have a bunch of flowers in your yard! However, after thinking

extensively about the motivation behind planting decorative gardens, I’ve

conceived several possible theories.

I think one of the reasons people love gardens so much is that while we

have a natural desire to progress and industrialize, deep within all of us

is a primal love for nature. While this desire might not be as strong as

the desire for modernism, it is still strong enough to compel us to create

gardens, small outlets of nature, in the midst of all our hustle and

bustle. Since being in nature is like regressing to an earlier stage of

humanity, we too can regress to a time of comfort and utter happiness.

This is why gardens are so relaxing and calming to be in. This is why

gardens are a good place to meditate and do tai chi exercises. A garden is

a way to quickly escape from the busy world.

I’ve thought at times that perhaps we as humans feel a sort of guilt

driving us to restore nature and care for it. This guilt could stem from

the knowledge that we, not personally but as a race, have destroyed so

much of nature to get where we are today. It’s the least we can do to

build a small garden in remembrance of all the trees we kill every day.

It’s my theory that this is the underlying reason for most people to take

up gardening as a hobby.

Gardening is definitely a healthy habit though, don’t get me wrong. Any

hobby that provides physical exercise, helps the environment, and improves

your diet can’t be a negative thing. So no matter what the underlying

psychological cause for gardening is, I think that everyone should

continue to do so. In the USA especially, which is dealing with obesity

and pollution as its two major problems, I think gardening can only serve

to improve the state of the world.

Of course I’m no psychologist; I’m just a curious gardener. I often stay

up for hours wondering what makes me garden. What is it that makes me go

outside for a few hours every day with my gardening tools, and facilitate

the small-time growth of plants that would grow naturally on their own? I

may never know, but in this case ignorance truly is bliss.

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